Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Feeling better...

Well, for the first time in literally months I am feeling much better. I am amazed at how something as simple as how you feel has tremendous impact on your overall viewpoint. When you feel bad, for MONTHS, you really get run down emotionally, psychologically, and obviously physically. I'm still dealing with a few side affects from chemo, but they are much more manageable than, say, a year ago. Thank God.

I had lunch yesterday with several former co-workers. I left this company back in 2000, so it's been many years since we all worked together. It was so much fun getting together and sharing stories from both the present and the past. Events like this make you cherish the relationships you have with others. People come and go in our lives, but some folks have a lasting impact and for this we should all be very grateful. I know I am.

I'm going to share a quick story with you. A few nights ago I was putting our 12 year old to bed, and as usual I ended up laying down with her to help her fall asleep. I tend to use these quiet moments as my quiet time, praying. I started out with my usual "thank you lord for a wonderful day and your many blessings on me and my family." Then out of nowhere I asked "how is Ansley doing?" (read blog entry below) All of a sudden, I had this inner feeling of joy and peacefulness. This was coupled with a mind's eye view of a bright and beautiful light, then an image of Ansley's smiling face. God was speaking to me, very clearly. It's amazing the response you get when you talk to God and listen quietly. I had this image of pure perfection in my mind. I then saw Ansley with angel wings on and, once again, smiling a big smile and simply enjoying the beautiful place we call heaven. It was awesome.

I'll close with a funny little tidbit I heard on TV this past Sunday. The preacher on TV told a story about a man who was begging God in prayer, his life is shambles. "God PLEASE help me, I cannot do this anymore, my life is so troubled. Why do you do this to me?" God responded, "my child, I send troubles your way so you will talk to me from time to time." The congregation erupted in laughter, just as I did. Man does this exchange tell it all. When we are troubled, stressed out, hyperventilating, we turn to God and scream HELP! What's wrong with that? Well, think of it this way. If a friend only talks to another friend when they are in trouble, there is little value in the relationship. The troubled person is using the other to simply satisfy there own emotions. You have to give to get. Plain and simple.

Till next time, B....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Never give up." the most simple saying ever but means so much. You’ve been fighting for a while now but now isn’t the time to give up, fight even harder. When chemo gets your down lift your head up and say "not today, today will be the day I fight for my family, my friends, my life." God works miracles and I know he will work one in your life, you may not see it at first but even the littlest thing can be a miracle. I know you feel like giving in, I know you feel like giving up, I know you just want to lay there and say "God take it all away, the pain, the suffering, the sickness." but you can't, you were diagnosed with cancer for a reason, you were chosen by God to have this illness for some reason. You may not know it, I may not know it, no one may know it but for some reason you are dealing with this everyday. It sucks and its hard and I cant even imagine what you go through or how you feel but I know that your a strong person and I know that you have so many people in your life that love you a lot and couldn’t imagine a day on this earth without you.

Through my rambling and random thoughts I hope I got my point across, simply, "never give up."

12:21 AM, March 20, 2007  

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