Monday, December 04, 2006

Spoke too soon...

Well, in typical fashion I put my foot in my mouth after last week's post. Thursday night I started feeling crappy (once again) and by Friday I was "hit by the bus" again. Complete fatigue, a fever, an infected port, yadda yadda yadda. I feel like the merry-go-round of pain and suffering simply will not stop and LET ME OFF! Oh well, along rolls Monday morning and I'm feeling fine once again. Which brings me to a comment I made to my wife yesterday. I want my old life back. I long for waking up on Monday morning and going to work and being productive. I want to come home, have dinner with my family, and do something fun with my kids. I want to finish long forgotten household projects that have not only been taken off the burner, they've been lost in the process. For all of you that hate Monday mornings and the dread of going back to work, rethink your thinking. Do not take your good health for granted.

Okay, I'm going to do something productive today and actually work. I love it.

Till next time, Brian...


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