The thought for the day....
I have been taking advantage of my new found free time to do some things that I normally wouldn't take the time to do. Yesterday I visited the Houston Museum of Natural Science. I saw a billboard advertising an exhibit entitled "Body Worlds 3" that caught my eye. The image on the billboard was that of a person stripped of their skin, muscles and ligaments showing. It looked too interesting to pass up, so I made the trip to the museum to check it out. WOW! This was both incredibly fascinating and horridly bizarre all at the same time. A German anatomist has perfected the technique of preserving the human body; bones, muscles, tendons, organs, name it. He takes parts of the human anatomy and illustrates the God given wonder of this incredible machine. This part of the exhibit was pretty tame. The bizarre part comes in where he poses an entire body into various artist forms. Remember > this is a real person, preserved for your viewing entertainment! One "plastinate" as they are called was a man who was stripped of his skin, exposing his inner body. The twist was that he was holding his own skin in one piece, head to toes (literally), in an outstretched hand! I must admit I was completely in awe of the exhibit.
Check it out online at, click on "Body Worlds 3". There are several links, click on Plastination to learn more about the process. Cool stuff...
During the tour I noticed a quote on a large banner that was a part of the exhibit. It was from the Greek philosopher Epikur, and it states:
Accustom yourself to the thought that death does not concern us. For everything good and bad is based on perception. Death, however, is the loss of perception.Â…Thus the most dreadful evil, death, does not concern us; since as long as we exist, death is not there and when death is there, we do not exist anymore.
Epikur, Greek philosopher (341 - 271 B.C.)
Now; take the time to clear your brain and re-read the above quote. Think about it...this summarizes what I've talked about in my blog before. It's taken me some time to get to the point where I do not fear death. It is a part of the natural cycle of life. Furthermore, I've come to see life as merely a waiting room on our planet Earth. If you a believer, you know there is a life thereafter, in a land where there is no pain, there is no suffering, there is no cancer, where the streets are paved with gold and every day is a good day. What's so bad about that? Think about it. Till next time, Brian...
Mr. Brian (okay my 2nd dad),
I want to take the time to say I respect you so much. As a young person at the rip ol' age of 16 (not to blow my own horn) I have a wisdom about life that most kids my age don't have (so does Breanne). And I know that the harder times get in my family the more I love the quiet moments at home sitting on the couch. And I know that this is one subject bre doesn't like to talk about but it feels great to know that we have each other. because every family has that one thing that people look at you and say "How do ya'll do it". I don't know why I decided to write this maybe it's more for me. But ya'll are my home away from home. And the friendship I have with Breanne is the friendship I've always wanted. God and I don't talk very often. Even though deep down I know I need Him. I have myself trained to believe that I don't need anyone and I can do it all by myself. But I see the peace in you that I've heard about and that I want. In you I see who I want to be. Strong like my mom, peaceful like you.
this is what I want you to know,
Hi Brian:
This is the 2nd time I have husband was trying to help me figure out why my 1st comment did not post? I wrote it earlier this morning around 9am...I thought perhaps your blog was blocking posts until you could read them...anywho, I sure hope this one makes it to you!!!!
First of all, I am astonished at your faithfulness and your fearlessness. God must be so proud of you right now and smiling a big toothy grin at you. I know I would hope to be as faithful as you, but the "C" word is so makes me shudder. I am sure that's how you and Kymberly must have felt at first. Brother, you walk the walk and you talk the talk and this post right here by Miss Brittany is proof of that. That letter is powerful!
Second of all, you must publish your "journey". I have walked closely with my brother and mother---both who had cancer and if I had a book that would have been like your blog..."How Your Life Will Turn Upside Down in 24 Hours and How to Manage It...The Good ,the Bad and the Ugly" well, I may not have felt so out of control...oh, I see a big future with a book!!
And lastly, I guess I just want to say after spending several hours last night and this morning reading your blog, you really "get it". You are a young man, an "average Joe" as you say and you get it! You have discovered the secret to life. I guess it takes a brief look at death to make you really see life...not the material things as enticing as they are, but family, faith ,friends, the peace of knowing God is with you no matter what ...there is no better feeling than having a peace within yourself.
I count it a privilege to pray for you and I cannot wait to share with our Sunday School Class at Gate City Baptist about your walk down this road. We will pray for you and I look forward to checking on you through the blog.
This truly is a journey you are making , Brian . Thank you for allowing us to come along with you.
In His Healing Power,
Diane Jones
(friend of Kymberly's from MOPS)
Just wanted to let you know the Adult 2 Sunday School Class at Gate City Baptist Church is praying for you and lifting you and your family up to the Lord for healing, grace, and strength. Diane Jones and Karen Gunter are members of the class and informed us of the trial you're going through, and your website address.
Thanks so much for your courage and willingness to share your faith and story with others.
We are praying for you!
Adult 2
Janice McMinn,Teacher
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