Make that I have landed in Houston. Through a series of phone calls over the last 2 months, I found Corporate Angel Network, an organization that pairs corporations with their own private jets with individuals that need air transportation for cancer treatment. I was told to show up at the airport on Monday at 8AM. Upon arriving at the hanger, I was greeted by a couple of fellows that are part of the ground crew for this company. They told me to make myself comfortable in their lounge area while the plane was prepared for departure. Envision a jet aircraft hanger with a VERY nice office/lounge area to relax in. Leather seating, a big 50+” wide screen TV, a conference room surrounded by glass with a view of the runway…this was simply incredible and definitely something you don’t encounter every day. Someone instructed me to board the jet, and when I did I quickly moved to the rear of the plane. I didn’t want to get in the way of the other folks who were traveling on business with the corporation (plus there were only 6 seats so it was a small cabin). The pilots came on board and one of them told me to sit anywhere I wanted to. “Am I the lone traveler today?” I asked. “Yep, just you!” Oh my gosh, these guys are flying me 1,200 miles in a private plane and I’m the ONLY person on board? How much $$ did this trip cost the company that so generously donated their time, employees, and equipment ??? This is a prime example of the unselfish generosity I have encountered during my journey. I am forever grateful to individuals and organizations like this.
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