Monday, November 28, 2005

More good news...

Well, another trip to the doc today and got some more good news. Long story short, my oncologist is putting me on an oral form of chemo and we are suspending the standard chemo treatments for now. This is actually great news as the chemo has been whipping me pretty bad for many months. The side affects are so numerous and on going that I forget them all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Xeloda (pronounced Ze-LO-da; oral chemo drug) doesn't produce the same side affects as standard 5FU.

My wife was mad at me after the Dr. appointment. She asked me if I was excited at the great news. My response was "no". She saw the positive side of the conversation (cancer is in remission, no more chemo, etc.) and I saw the other side. The cancer is not "gone" and in reality it will never be gone. The C word is like a scarlet letter burned into your mind. You can never get away from it, the only thing you can do is try to eliminate it from your thinking. Otherwise you would go crazy. Am I encouraged by the good news? Absolutely yes. I'm excited that things are moving in the right direction. My issue is dealing with the ongoing issues; treatment, scans, doctor visits, etc. It becomes quite exhausting at times. Regardless, I am so fortunate to have excellent doctors and nurses, and an institution that puts the patient first.

We enjoyed a tremendous Thanksgiving holiday in our former home state, Florida. The weather was gorgeous, so "un-Thanksgiving". 80 degrees, breakfast outside in the AM without a jacket, swimming in late November ??? It doesn't get any better than that! Thank God for relaxing vacations, no matter how short they are.

I look forward to the holidays and getting back to work full time. This was something we discussed today during my Dr. appointment. I am so anxious to get back to my "old" routine, pre-cancer. The old routine involved typical day-to-day activities; kids, work, even enjoying a Dr. Pepper. Carbonated sodas and treatment = a painful experience. This is a silly example of how difficult treatment can be. I want that "normal" way of life back, something that I recognize and miss so much. Simple little things like a DP become challenging if not impossible. You don't realize what you miss until it's taken away from you. The psychological effect is amazing, interesting, and painful all at the same time. I should have taken more psych courses in college!

Well, I'm out for now. Today has been stressful and I feel wiped out. The anticipation of these Dr. appointments can take a toll on the body and mind. Take a look at the pic below from our trip to FL.

Till next time, Brian...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Brian,

Ever since Dedria sent me an e-mail with your blog link , I've been following your progress.I'm just so happy things are looking up.It made me fell real good when I read it today.I know things are not perfect but comparing to what I read early on, I think this is great!
By the way,that picture of you "Surf's Up! not good(LOL),you look like a mad man!
Take Care, Igor.

8:43 PM, November 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brian!! I am so happy to hear that you are moving in the right direction. I miss you and your family very much and Riley sends his love... I pray that you have a wonderful holiday season and that when you feel up to it, we can have that puggy party that we always talked about... Take care "Norton" and thank you for sharing your news with all of us!!!

Your Friends,
Marie and Riley

12:58 AM, November 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures Brian!! You have such a beautiful family! Hang in there and be strong. You'll get through these tough times!
Your Friend,

1:35 PM, November 30, 2005  
Blogger Greg Dekker said...

Hey Brian-
Thanks for reminding me to get back on your blog's the first thing I did when I CAME HOME! That's right, though plenty beat up from the surgery, they let me out and this afternoon I got my first real sleep of the last few days. Thrilled to hear you get to return to some good, normal, boring, old days of DPs and sales calls. I do like the idea of your moving back to FL!
See you soon,

5:11 PM, December 01, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to hear of your excelent progress.

the good lord never gives his children a burden they cannot bear.

keep the faith.

thom grealish

1:47 PM, January 10, 2006  

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