Friday, September 15, 2006

A quick update....

Sometimes the best laid plans can go haywire. I was supposed to go in for a PET scan today, only to find out if was rescheduled for Monday. This wouldn't work because I am supposed to start treatment on Monday, and the PET scan is a requirement PRIOR to starting treatment. How do mixup's like this happen ???

I simply decided to show up first thing this morning at the cancer center and see if they could work me in. After a few anxious hours, they called my name and started the 3 hour process of doing a PET scan. Another small prayer answered....

Have a great weekend, I plan on doing something big but I can't tell you yet. Check in on Monday.

Till next time, B...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian -

Thanks for the time you take to update us all on the events surrounding your stay in Houston. The Lord's timing is perfect - even when we don't understand the delays, the why's, etc. We continue to pray for your healing and the ministry that has been given to you while in Houston.

Many Prayers,
Stan & Lisa Selan

8:20 AM, September 18, 2006  

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