Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Breaking the News...

Okay boys and girls, I need to bring you up to speed if you haven't heard the latest. Long story short, I was diagnosed with colon cancer last Friday. As of today, I am scheduled for surgery next Thursday, March 17, and I should be out of work for approximately 6 weeks. From there I will probably have to go through chemo treatment for another few weeks. At this point we don't know if the cancer is confined to the colon itself or if it's spread to other areas. This info will be available after the surgery and the biopsy of the tumor.

Tomorrow I go in for x-rays and a CT scan, which will give a picture of my "innards" and will help determine if there are tumors beyond the colon. Golf is on the calendar this weekend because I won't be able to play for another few months!

The purpose of this email is to "get the word out" to as many of you as possible, and as accurately as possible. My phone has been ringing constantly since Monday morning due to the fact the word has already gotten out. My spirits are high and I am confident I will make a full and cancer free recovery.

This has been a shocker as you can imagine, but it's not something that has consumed me with fear. I accept the fact that it's happened, and I look forward to the surgery and finding out the overall prognosis. Your prayers and support mean the most to me and my family.

I'll keep you posted. Feel free to forward this email to your friends, family, and church members. I enjoy the email replies and the phone calls. Again, feel free to call me; I'm in sales, I ain't afraid to talk. Brian.

PS - for those of you who feel compelled to send flowers, may I suggest a donation to "Breanne's Diabetes Blasters"? I believe all of you are familiar w/JDRF and have been kind enough to donate in the past. This will go a whole lot further than flowers! Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. B,
Since this is the most recent blog that you have I just want you to know that my WHOLE family is praying for you right now and we love you dearly.


4:09 PM, November 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool blog!! The text is just a little to long...

9:14 AM, December 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Darlene Parsons and I live in Raleigh. We have a pug connection through PRONC. There is a group of us here in Raleigh who met through Providence Baptist Church who have either struggled with rare cancer, are struggling, or have a member of their family struggling. My daughter is 13 years out from a massive malignant brain tumor when she was three.
Please know that we will pray for the peace that passes all understanding. I read a paper that says that children who lose a mom or a dad to illness do far better than losing a parent to divorce.
I will share a story that may give you peace. One day, many years ago, my older daughter asked if anyone ever drew a picture of Jesus so we can see exactly what He looked liked. I told her no but my daughter who was sick told us that she knew exactly what Jesus looks like, Well, she was 6 and I smiled indulgently. What she said next blew me away. She said that after her second neurosurgery she was at home lying on the sofa and she was feeling awful. She didn't want to bother me because I was cooking dinner and tending to our new baby. She said someone started to rub her back. She looked up and she said it was Jesus who was rubbing her back. He smiled and winked and she felt all better. Then, she said, He went away.
You see, Jesus cares for our children even we can't. May this bring you peace in your journey and may His presence give you comfort.
In His care
Darlene Parsons

3:14 PM, May 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian,you are an inspiration to me, I pray to have a faith as strong and trusting as you have. You put it at the Lords feet and he will fulfill the wonderful plan he has for you. He has already seen to it that our paths crossed and I am so glad he did. I will continue to pray for you and your family, if you or they need me please don't hesitate to call. Gary Mundy

12:09 PM, May 29, 2007  

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